So Much To Learn

I have much to learn from the blogging community!

Yesterday I learned from Stephanie that it's a great idea to trickle something yummy (like James McAvoy) through a post to keep people reading. I'd like to try cupcakes, but the virtual kind won't be as appealing. (Wouldn't that be great if it could really be done? A trail of cupcakes crumbs until you reach the end and voila--a giant, perfect cupcake!)

Today I realized that a blogger should alway, ALWAYS carry a camera.

As I drove down the main drag in Port Townsend, there was a large group gathered on a corner with huge signs that said, FREE HUGS. I almost stopped. I should have stopped. If I had had my camera, I would have stopped.

I could have used a "stranger" hug today! Right?

I'm sure the FREE HUGS were tied to the following story. If you haven't seen it, you should watch...all the way to the end.


If those kids are there again tomorrow, I'll get a picture. Really!

Now I'm certain I need to get down to Portland in September for the 2nd Annual Kidlitosphere Conference. Got to. Got to.

There's just so much to learn.


Time to Hit the Books


Coffee Chat with Laini Taylor