At the Office

Okay, so I'm running a bit behind (about fifteen minutes). But not bad for my first day back to holding "serious" office hours.

Welcome to my office!

Those of you who read my previous Book and Baristas post, here it is--The Vault. You can see the bank over there on the right and down below is Aldrich's Grocery Store. Cool spot, huh? I'm working under the clock on the back wall (okay, not working...blogging).

I'm putting my intentions in writing, right here, right now so they WILL get done.

1. My office hours will be from 12:00 to 3:20, Monday through Friday. (I wonder if The Vault will start charging me rent?)

2. I will write! And only write; no email, no blog, no Facebook. Period. I give permission to the lovely ladies of The Vault to call me out if they see any of the above three open on my computer screen.

Yes, I know I'm blogging now during my office hours, but today is a special day and I believe getting my intentions in writing is just as important as getting to the work. Was that convincing? It what I had to tell myself to make it okay.

3. I will avoid these pastries for reasons I'm sure you understand.

I am quite thankful they do NOT serve cupcakes here or I would be in serious trouble.

4. And MOST important. I will finish my revision by the end of September. You heard it here. Hold me to it. Please!


The Great Observer


Time to Hit the Books