So Much to Tell (Starring Sock Puppets, Revision Deadline, Changes in the Air)
Jaime at Chompoblog conducted her Part 2 Interview with Elizabeth (Betsy) Bird through the not-often-enough-seen art form of Sock Puppetry. Yes, I know. The extra exciting part for me? I got to play along (notice my name rolling through in the credits as Zombie #6 and #7).
You can find the masterpiece HERE. Go watch. Go on…then come back for a look at these behind-the-scenes photos. (told ya I’d use ‘em!)
The unveiling of the cast.
Quiet on the set!
Exhausted zombies.
The creative genius posing with her pets.
At the after party, it seemed everyone wanted a picture with the zombies. Even the adorable Jim and Laini.
Was today! Yes it was. And, I did it! Am I just good like that? Or…did I get lucky by reaching “the end” and it just happened to be today? I did do it with 40 minutes of my office hours to spare. How ‘bout that?
Okay, so technically, I’m not done. I know this. I knew I would still have a lot to do once I hit the end, but I’m on track. Really!
More on this and my process in a future post. But first, thanks to all of you who have been supporting me and cheering me on.
I would have liked to have been in my office today for my last day of Office Hours before my deadline hit, but look…
Ah, the pain. Yes, they did tell me they would be closed today…this, the last day of my deadline. They are working on lots of great changes which, I’m certain, will make my working experience even more wonderful. Or it will make me need to work out lots, lots more because I’ll be eating all of the new and delicious yummies.
More than anything, I missed all the LLOV's (The lovely ladies of The Vault) supportive nature today. And, I didn't get to shout out to them, “Yay! I did it. Let’s celebrate with caffeine and cookies."