WEEEE!!!! What a Ride this Week Will Be!

Major time crunch
Busy week
Only two days of office hours
This equals PANIC

Panic’s turning into nightmares
About not getting the revision done
By the deadline
Or at all

Which is turning into real nightmares
About getting an email from
THE editor
Who wants to see it
The editor
Who read the rough draft
The editor
Who asked to see the revision

I actually dreamt
The editor
Emailed me and said,
“It’s taking too long.
If you don’t get it to me soon,
I’ll forget all about

I know! Horrible nightmare. It was the kind that felt so real that when I woke up, I had to check my inbox. For now, there's no time in the day. I'll attempt updates with the week's many happenings. BUT I will be soooo good during my office hours today (and Thursday...my only two days) because the nightmare has scared me into total focus!

More later!

Ferries, Writer's Block, & Cupcakes


The Great Observer