The Yang to my Writng Yin

I love a challenge. Hello, novel writing...that's a biggie. But as a mentioned back in my Farewell Olympics post, unfortunately butt-in-chair doesn't not achieve firm results (in the backside region, that is).

So, one year ago I joined a great gym, a birthday present to myself. I was addicted!

Cue the music:

Happy birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me...exactly one year later (this past weekend) I took it a step further. I just finished (TODAY!) my training module to become a BODYPUMP instructor. It was the most physically challenging thing (other than child birth) I have ever experienced. I love it! And frankly, I'm feeling pretty damn proud of myself!

Les Mills produces amazing fitness programs (BODYPUMP is only one of eight) with classes in over 11,000 clubs all over the world. After this weekend, I could sing its praises from a mountain top, as long as I didn't have to climb up it, because my thighs are SCREAMING! I'm pretty sure I did 17, 493 squats in three days WITH 40 pounds (or MORE) on my back. I know!!! I can't believe it either. Okay, that first fact is probably an exaggeration (that's what it felt like) but the second is not.

Don't think I'm some burley girley, 'cause I'm not. That's just not how the female body works. But man, does it feel good to be strong. If you want to, take a peek at what BODYPUMP looks like:

Here's a cool fact: BODYPUMP is in the Guiness Book of World Records as the fastest way to get in shape. Cool, huh? If one of your local clubs/gyms has these programs, then I say run to them, don't walk.

Birthday note: It's not my birthday--yet! They gym membership was an early birthday present to myself. I'm an October baby. Go Libras!

I'm back to my regular office hours tomorrow (YAY!) but I had to share this major experience...the yang to my writing yin!

The Day After...


Ferries, Writer's Block, & Cupcakes