I've Had It

Please tell me I’m normal. Talk me off the ledge. Tell me I’ll get there.

But I’ve had it. Had it!

Is it wrong for me to want to take a “break” from my novel? It's not, right?

Right now it’s reminding me of times when the kids are fighting, then fighting some more, and I feel the need to get away. You know, have me one of those Calgon moments. Does Calgon even exist anymore? If it doesn’t, it should for noveling needs. “Calgon, take me away. Please. And, Calgon, if you could wrap up this revision for me, too, I’d be oh-so grateful.”

I’m recalling that it wasn’t long ago, Stephanie had a very heated letter correspondence with her novel. Maybe that’s where I am. I think I’ll head over there and give it another read to make me feel better.

Then I’ll return back to the revision, wrap it up, and get it out the door by the end of the month. Right? Please tell that’s what I’ll do. I need some back up here.

We're All In This Together!


The Writing's on the Wall (You and Me in the Shower, Part 2)