You and Me in the Shower
This makes the shower a dangerous place. It’s like a black hole for great ideas. Right? Hasn’t this same thing happened to you? Come on writers, back me up here. Haven’t you had the greatest idea, or a line comes to you while showering that you either forget or can’t get right once you’re out of the shower?
How about when you come up with the perfect sentence, I mean perrrfect. The kind that makes you rush to your computer, still dripping wet, towel piled on top of your head, bathrobe thrown on…typing…typing…typing…growling…groaning…because now, it’s gone. Hate that! It doesn’t come out in the brilliant way you thought it up in the shower. Either that, OR it seemed brilliant in the shower but once you get it down, it’s a little wah-wah-wah, not so great.
Someone needs to invent a waterproof tablet and pencil/pen that can hang in the shower to collect all the genius that comes about in there. The only problem with actually having such a tablet? The hot water might run out before we get the shampoo out of our hair.
Someone needs to invent a waterproof tablet and pencil/pen that can hang in the shower to collect all the genius that comes about in there. The only problem with actually having such a tablet? The hot water might run out before we get the shampoo out of our hair.
And then there's the car...