Crazy Day Ahead in So, So Many Ways

A quick CRAZY post coming right up!

First Crazy: I'm going to bore you tears with this's another day of 5000 words. Or at least I hope it is. But when a whip is cracked (I keep thinking of it as a licorice rope for some reason) by THIS ONE I can't resist. I think it's the throw down of the challenge. A sort of, I'm doing it...can you? And now I know I can so how can I say no? Right? As soon I finish this post, the thousand-count sticky notes will be made and stuck to the side of my computer once again.

Plus, today...others are coming out to play! Follow comments...hopefully we'll be checking in with updates.

Second Crazy: I'm pretty sure my body is channeling the fact that tonight at midnight Twilight hits theaters. No joke. I'm a little pasty, and dare I say sparkly? Like I applied a bit too much powder this morning. And to make it even more dramatic, I'm dressed in black. Plus the weather here is totally pulling a Forks today one hundred percent.

Third Crazy: I've got other things I MUST get done or at least work on at some point. I'll fill you in on this one later. (A teaser so you'll be back. I'm not beyond it! Really, I will tell you, just not today.)

Final Crazy: After marathon writing today, I teach my Bodypump class tonight. Not only that, but I'll be recorded for my assessment. I think I may be a wee bit exhausted at the end of the day...

Can I Win? Can the Dawgs?


I Made It! 5000 Words Today...