Christmas Wish
A BIG wish means asking for BIG help. And I have a really BIG wish!
Who better to go to this time of year than the Man in Red? So, I did. I stood in line with all the other eager writers (I mean kids) and waited for my turn. I waited and waited and watched as the bearded fellow listen to wish after wish.
Then I had to wait for two girlies who seemed to talk to Santa FOREVER! I mean, what parent would let their kids go on for that long when so many others are waiting...and waiting.
Oh yah, those were my girlies.
But finally they stepped aside and I placed myself on Santa's knee.
He was anxious to hear my BIG wish, and once I told him, he said he and the elves would do all they could to make it happen. Then he told me that once my book is published he would be sure to put it in many, many stockings. Isn't he great? That's BIG.