La La Lasso!

That's right. The La La Lasso will be awarded to one fine friend for accomplishing something, anything in December. Last week took me off course a bit, but I'm getting back on. But lots of you posted December La La goals. Keep 'em coming. To accomplish anything this month is fabulous, even if it's writing your holiday letters and sending out cards. Go ahead. Post away. The more the merrier.

When I saw the lovely Holly Cupala the other evening (remember, I told you I'd tell you about this) she said she meant to bring me something. A thank you of sorts. A yummy one at that. Want to know what she had for me but forgot? Cherry Caramels. Really! How sweet is that?

But here's what happened. As we were in a long line of massive people buying Martha Brokenbrough's book, there were the caramels sitting in a cute, little box. And that Holly grabbed 'em up and said, I'm getting them for you. Then away I sailed on my ferry, after a really great night with friends, with a box of caramels sitting in the passenger seat. I only ate one (honest)--I had to see what they tasted like for goodness sake--because the rest will motivate me through the work (my La La goals), just like they've done for Holly.

I'm now in search of the perfect licorice rope to serve as the La La Lasso; a treat to pass onto one of you, just as Holly did for me with her caramels. A sort of paying it forward with candy!

I'm a WINNER!!!!!!!


Monsters, Loser, Liar, Psychic, and a Big Chicken (Really!)