Power Through...A Lass is Lassoed by Licorice...and a 30 Day Challenge

I'm powering through. I am. That's this year's theme for me.

HipWriterMama has me busy...and thinking...and challenged!

My first reaction--Power Through!

And I don't mean that in a muscle through life without thought kind of way. I want to power through with all my heart, energy, and passion. Giving "it" all I've got.

Power Through

-creating great family time
-new writing projects
-office hours
-my workouts
-finally getting around to announcing the La La winner (oh, good idea!)

At long last I will name the La La winner! Drum roll, please!
Congrats to Miss Martha Brockenbrough.

All right, everyone. I thought those who posted their results did fan-flippin'-tastic. I mean really, what a productive December (even for those of us who had to make the leap by choosing to take a step back).

So, sometime soon I'll post the actual awarding of the Licorice Lasso (when I figure out the when, where, and how). It's sure to be a swirlin', twirlin' good time.

Need a new push? I'm always looking for one. Try HipWriterMama's 30 Day Challenge (told ya she was keep me busy, thinking, and challenged!).

Moonbows...Vault Event...Dangling a Carrot


Port Townsend Talents...Jesse Watson and Patrick Jennings