Monday Moment #4
We all get distracted. Often on purpose.
Sometimes it's healthy. Sometimes not.
Sometimes it can turn a bit obsessive.
I've had my own distractions lately. The on-purpose kind. Lately my plate has been pretty full, actually overloaded. It's been a stressful time, and getting everything that needs to get done done, well, it's been a challenge.
At a time like this, who needs distractions?
Puppy talk has hit my house in a major way and everyone has the bug. Even though I have a thousand-and-three other things to do, I can find myself researching puppies and searching for possibilities online. If I let myself, I could do it full time, just fixate on finding the perfect pup for our family until it happens.
What distraction(s) does your character have? And why does s/he have them?