
While driving the kids to school today, and then to The Vault, my eyelids didn't want to cooperate. Don't you hate it when they act up like that? Like they think it would be fun to get heavy and want to close when you really, really need the eyeballs underneath them to do their job. I mean, really! How rude.

Not even Steve Perry belting out Journey's "Separate Ways" encouraged my eyelids.

I suppose it's my body's way of rebelling. I'm telling ya, it's been a stinker lately. It's all like, "If you're going to make me do all this stuff, without letting me have some down time for at least a little reality TV, well then, I think I'll make you pay. How 'bout I wake you up every morning too early. Let's say 4:30. 5:00 if I'm feeling nice."

But life's been a bit bonkers. And it would sure help a lot if my body would let me get a tad more sleep in the morning so I can catch up with the other things that aren't getting done in a timely fashion. Seriously!

Case in point:

That is what my girlies refer to as Mt. Clothesmore!

Now, yesterday I wrote and pondered, pondered and wrote. I scanned the Internet and wrote some more. Not that I accumulated a lot of words, but I made progress. I've been assigned the task of getting the first five chapters of my WIP progress together. This would seems an easy task, as supposedly those first five chapters are written, but when you actually go back into that messy mess of a rough draft, you then realize you need a new chapter 3 and that a road sign mentioned requires description that you don't have...because, hey, it's the rough draft.

But, please let me tell you of the discovery I made because of said sign (actually signs). Check out this website. If you need to find a road sign, you're likely to find it.

Today, my eyelids need this sign!


Monday Moment #7


We are Over la Luna about our New Puppy!