Monday Moment #12
Now wait, just so you know, it's not my birthday but today my baby (MY BABY!) is seven. And tomorrow, my dad is, well...he'll be a year older than he is today. Yesterday, to celebrate both birthdays, we had a big family celebration with people over for a BBQ (thank you, Weather, for cooperating) and cake number one (chocolate with brown sugar frosting). Today, nine girls will take over the casa with their high voices and big laughs for the "friend" party, which means I must be on my toes. The cake? Again chocolate, this time covered with pink frosting, Sweet Tart polka dotted sides, and a Littlest Pet Shop Birthday scene on top. Later, per the birthday girl's request--pizza. Tomorrow, for the dad, it's a steak and garlic mashed potatoes dinner followed up with cheesecake.
Oh, I know. Great goodness of yummy food but holy guacamole, the calorie intake will be ree-dunk-u-lous and go straight to my trunk-u-lous!
Where's this going? And what, at all, does it have to do with the next Monday Moment? Well, since birthdays are on the brain, let's go there. Memorable birthdays. One you wish you could forget. Favorite parts. Everything in between.
What is a vivid birthday memory or detail (big or small) experienced by your main character?