Monday Moment #16
But back to the GOOD. Even though the topics were a bit blech, they were topics that came easily. Easily, I tell ya. Let's just say, nothing's come easily this last month. But today I'm look forward to a working day--a writing day. Yip...yip...yow. It feels as if my mind is slowly moving back to that writerly place. It's been way too long. I've missed you, writerly place.
See, the Polly Positive is reemerging. Hello, lost friend. Okay, so she's really been there all along. You can probably tell that. And if you know me personally, you know. That's just me.
How about your main character? Do they tend to lean toward the positive or negative? Glass half full or half empty. And how does it impact how they move through their world?
(Hey, that prompt wasn't even what I initially planned, but I like it. It's all good.)