SCBWI 38th Annual Summer Conference...Don't Miss It
It's almost time to BLAST OFF!
I couldn't be more thrilled to be attending this year as part of SCBWI Team Blog, led by the lovely Alice Pope. I've added a blog roll of the entire rockin' team so that you can link to them easily and often. I'll also let you know whenever one of them posts about the conference. We will all be doing much pre-conference blogging, which will include interviews with keynoters and other faculty, former conference attendees, first timers, and hopefully some helpful preparation information. Well, I guess you should just know that we'll be telling you a lot and you won't want to miss out on any of the fun. And we're all busy doing our finger calisthenics in order to be ready to blog our fingers off once we're there!
Start the countdown. Plug it into your favorite digital device. Jot it down on your wall calendar. May 5 is the date. Circle it. Highlight it. Set your alarms!
Only 7 more days until registration opens for SCBWI's 38th Annual Summer Conference. Conference info, faculty, and schedule is now available for your perusing and drooling on So, get prepared. You don't want to miss your opportunity to get yourself registered pronto.
Special note: If you are at all interested in the Premium Workshops, don't delay. Study them now, know what's expected, and be ready to register immediately because they sell out beyond fast. If it says, "Space is extremely limited!" (as is Linda Sue Parks session Scene: The Building-Block of Fiction) they mean it.