So, I teased that Holly and I had something revion-y up our sleeves. Well, here it is!

Summer Revision Smackdown: The Process and the Perks

  • Declare that you will crack the whip during the month of June and revel in revision with us.
  • State your own revision goals (pages per week, hours/day, picture book/dummy drafts). What do you want to accomplish by June 30?
  • Check in with us at the end of each week (Friday or Saturday) and report your progress by commenting on our blogs. We’ll alternate where to post, starting with Holly’s at the end of week 1, then over to Jolie’s at end of week two, then back to Holly, finally back to Jolie). No worries, we’ll remind you where to post every Friday.

Each Monday, Holly and Jolie will award THE WHIP OF THE WEEK to one Smackdowner who they feel has cracked the revision licorice whip the previous week.

During the month we will link to great spots to have a read on revision. Plus, you may just hear from some special guests, sharing tips and thoughts on revision.

At the end of June, Holly and Jolie will give one Smackdowner THE WHIPLASH AWARD for excellence in revision during the month of June. And that just might come with a cuppa something and your own personal licorice memento.

Don’t feel like you need to wait until June 1st to start…ready, set, werplash!


Bring It On...Summer Revision Smackdown


Monday Moment #20