Monday Moment #28
As I write this, I'm home alone. Well, the girlies are here with me, but I'm the only grown up. Okay, I'll admit it, I don't like to be home alone...especially when it gets dark. I just don't. I know it's no different than any other night, but when I'm alone, I can freak myself out.
Maybe it's just something you never grow out of, the silly things were afraid of. I still remember a night when I was a kid (alone in my room) and I heard a noise coming from the ceiling. To me, that scratching sound was so loud and threatening, I was certain a bad guy was digging through my roof with a pick. You can probably guess what it itty-bitty mouse.
What is a silly fear your character has? And, what crazy things do they make up in their head that make it worse? how about you. Do you want to share your own silly fear? (You know, just to make me feel better.)