Monday Moment #38
Okay, first let me say, I know Obsession Compulsive Disorder is nothing to joke about, so I apologize for any offense.
Now I have a sick hubby and snuffling kids. I feel bad, I really do, but I do not, DO NOT, want to get sick. So my poor hubby, I won't hardly get near him. And the girlies, well, I'm being very careful, because as much as you tell them to use a tissue and to sneeze into their elbow pit, know. So there's lots of rubbing sanitizing wipes up and down railings, over doorknobs, anything else they touch, plus I'm slamming vitamins.
What's brought on this temporary OCD issue? Well, yeah, I really don't want to get sick (it's not fun), but I also have a Bodystep training coming up this weekend. I've paid my fee and I've been preparing. If I get sick, it's all for not. So obsess I do...
(And, yes! that is how much I will sweat over the weekend!)
I'll let you know if I make it. Oh, and hopefully they'll be a Monday Moment #39 next week, because if I do make it, I will be exhausted (the post may appear later in the day, fingers crossed).
What event happens or is about to happen in your character's life that makes them change their typical behavior or obsess?