Monday Moment #40
Yesterday was my birthday. If you are a facebook friend (fb friends, thank you so much for all the overwhelming b-day lovin') then you know that my digits now equal 10. (If you're not a fb firend, you should be...twitter too).
My grandma called to wish me a Happy Birthday (Hi, Grandma! Love you. Give Grandpa my love too.) So, my grandma is new to the Internet, and now that she's online she can read my blog (yay, Grandma). Anyway, let me get on with this. She asked me what I was going to write about for my Monday Moment (she also wanting to know if I'd get it posted early) but I had to tell her I had no idea.
You know, some days I know exactly what I want to write about. Some days I think I do, but then it changes. And days like today, I don't. Not until the fingers begin to type. Then I think...random.
I can be so random.
And look! I'm not even on topic yet.
Question: What kind of cake do you think I requested (and typically request) for my birthday? Go on! Take a guess.
I bet you won't get it! (Grandma, you already know, so you can't guess.)
Think you've got it?
ANGEL FOOD! Yup. Angel Food cake with seven minute frosting. Imagine me singing out, "Heaven!" Love the stuff.
Does your character ever have high expectations for an experience, only to be disappointed by it?