Monday Moment #54: a writing prompt for your work-in-progress
It's a quick Moment story today.
However, quick doesn't mean insignificant, especially when it comes to character.
Currently, my nine-year-old girlie is (hmm...what word to use?) obsessed/attached to certain items of clothing. A tank top in particular, as well as what she is most comfortable wearing in the moment; as in so comfy she'd rather keep the same clothes on...all day, all night, and the next as well.
The other day, after her basketball game, I made her take a shower. To my motherly horror, when I checked on her post-shower, she was back in the shorts, the tank top, and sock (yes, socks!) she had warn playing her game.
(Someday I won't be able to get away sharing such stories.)
Does your character have an unusual or strong attachment to a particular item of clothing?