Crack Your W-I-P!
Yeah, yeah. I know it's already three days in, but 3 is my favorite number and therefore I believe a great day to start CRACK YOUR W-I-P all March long.
For the most part, we are all in some stage or another with our W-I-Ps; outlining, rough draft, revision, maybe even submission. Whatever that stage of work is for you, I hope you'll join me (as you've already been) and crack it here during the month of March.
Some of you may remember the wonderful month of June 2009 when the lovely Holly Cupala and I put on the Summer Revision Smackdown. Well, I guess whip cracking has been ongoing theme here at Cuppa. we go again.
But this time very informal.
Let's crack our writerly whips and get our works-in-progress where we want them to be by March 31. Leave your CRACK YOUR W-I-P goal in the comments.
And feel free to state your goals for today...we'll keep cheering each other on (seems it's producing a lot of work!).
**This just in: The sweet Jane Makuch has just said she will send each person who meets their goal a bag of red licorice whips! Wowza. Make sure your goal is whip worthy!