Monday Moment #61: a writing prompt for your work-in-progress
Every time I step into a particular restaurant/place-of-entertainment, I tell myself I will NEVER go back.
But I have found myself back there sooo many times. In fact, I was there yesterday celebrating my nephews 6th birthday.
For some reason my girlies continue to be invited to birthday parties at this particular establishment. I'm sure you know the one: the host is a rodent, the food is eew, and the sound is beyond irritating.
Now, I'm a mom, so I totally (please hear the emphasis on the italicized totally) get why parents plan parties there. It's not in your house (no pre or post cleaning), they make the food, they provide the entertainment, it's a couple hours of your child's enjoyment, then you're outta there. Done! Pretty smart actually. Much smarter than the upcoming sleepover I have planned for too many eight year girls.
Still, the place is my nails-on-the-chalkboard of locations. We all have them, right?
Describe a place your character abhors being, especially if that place is one where others find huge amounts of enjoyment.
Crack Your W-I-Pers: Hope you're off to a great start this week, and if you're stuck, I hope you might tap into this or other Moments to get your fingers and mind moving. I'll happily meet you in comments for writerly camaraderie.