Monday Moment #62:a writing prompt for your work-in-progress
Okay, I admit it. Right this second, this very moment, exactly right now, I admit to you that I'm a total fraud.
Okay, that's a bit of lie because it might be "right this moment" as you read this, but I'll actually have been making this admission around 4:45 pm on Sunday. However, to you, it will look like 4:45 am this morning.
You see, most often (especially if you see a Monday Moment posted right away on Monday morning) I have really written it and scheduled it to post the night before.
So, this past week when Jane was so very impressed that I was up and working already, I really wasn't. That post went live while I was still cheek to pillow.
Here's what Jane wrote in comments: "Well how encouraging are you, Jolie? Up at 5am and blogging!"
Wasn't that nice of her to think that? Then I let her (and possibly you) believe it all week long! (Although, I will admit, as soon as I read it, I thought of this Monday Moment post, so I've been waiting to let you all in on the scheme.)
But isn't that just like human nature? One thing or another happens or is said that makes a person look good, perhaps in ways that aren't quite true or when the person isn't worthy of the praise or compliment, yet the person says nothing.
Has your character ever not fessed up to the truth-of-the-matter in order to make him/herself look better?