Monday Moment #64: a writing prompt for your work-in-progress
First, I don't think I have any readers under the age of 12, but if I do, please stop reading now. (Yeah, I know...that doesn't make anyone want to stop reading, but I'm just saying.)
I hope everyone had a nice weekend, and if you celebrate Easter, I hope yours was lovely.
My hubby and I (sans kids) attended a friend's wedding on Saturday night. Since I knew we'd be out late and that I might have a glass of red or two, I helped the Easter Bunny get prepared for a late night visit. At my house the Easter Bunny leaves two empty baskets with a note to be found in the morning. The note leads the girlies to another and another until they find their baskets. The empty baskets are for gathering hidden eggs around the house.
After the wedding (and consumption of a glass of red or three) I returned home to don my ears and bunny tail. I must say I was very thankful I had it all ready to place before I left. That said, when I tiptoed into my girlies' room to quietly place the empty baskets and note, I proceeded to...
TRIP a so not graceful manner.
I stopped, let the quiet settle back in, searched through the dark for stirring blankets, and then heard the lovely sound of sleepy-time breathing.
Deep Breath!
When and how does your character learn an unexpected truth?