Monday Moment #65: a writing prompt for your work in progress
I just returned from the wonderful SCBWI WWA conference. It was so much fun to see so many of you there: people I already know, and those who read Cuppa but have never met face-to-face. Love that!
I had the honor of getting to welcome those attending the conference for the first time. It was such a pleasure to get kick-off their conference experience. It took me back to 2001, when my journey into this crazy world began. A good reminder of how far I've come and how hard I've worked.
That's just what it is, right? A journey. A long, busy, frustrating, exhilerating, grit-your-teeth, dig-in-and-do-it journey.
All that said, meeting those first-timers and visiting with friends who've also been on the long journey (and persevered!), it reminded me that from beginning to end you have to sieze every opportunity (big and small) that comes your way. If you don't, who knows what might have been or when the next opportunity might come along.
(hint, hint)
When does your character have a chance to seize an opportunity? More importantly, do they take it?