Monday Moment #68: a writing prompt for your work-in-progress
It was a big week for music in our family. We had a band/orchestra/choir concert to attend. Plus, our first born hit the big double digits over the weekend, which involved throwing a music themed party.
Can I first say, 5th-grade-band teachers are amazing people. That has GOT to be one of the toughest jobs on earth. Got. To. Be.
Just take a quick 15 second listen.
(Yes, I know my video is sideways, but it's all about the sound. I'm still learning how to use my phone.)
Now, I must say, these kids have made progress. Truly. But as I sat there listening, I just couldn't help but to image a day filled with those new band-instrument-learning sounds. Wow!
Our girlie was in the choir, and how can you not love a choir that breaks out with this...
That song gave me a little oomph to kick some writerly rear this week!
Then there was the big double digit b-day party. Both my girlies have been saving their $$$ to buy their own ipod Nanos, so this is what captured the theme for my now 10 year old. Every year I bake their cake, whatever they want. So far, I've been able to do it. But this latest really had me worried. She wanted her cake to look like a CD. A challenge, I must say. But, you tell me...How'd I do?
We created a Rockin' Double Digits playlist that featured 10 songs, and I'd say the best part of the night came when it was dark and we broke out a bunch of glow bracelets for dancing. (For you moms out there, if you want a good hour of cheap fun...glow bracelets + music + dark = lots of fun. Or magic...
That was the last song. They decided to hook all of their bracelets together and each take a turn dancing in the center.
Music plays a huge role life in so many way (good and bad). What song or event with music is important in your characters life?