Monday Moment #78: a writing prompt for your work-in-progress
Competition! It's everywhere, at every age.
And how 'bout this idea of one-upping? It's fascinating to me, and in certain degrees, I think we've all been guilty of it a time or two. Maybe three.
I witnessed a humorous incident of one-upsmanship at the pool as my girlies were taking swimming lessons. Three young girls (maybe five-ish) were edging their way along the side, having this conversation:
Girl One: You know, I'm not very good at seeing.
-then a pause...
Girl One: I'm not very good at hearing either.
Girl Two: We're not good at seeing either.
Girl Three: (agrees)
Girl One: But your only bad at seeing. I'm bad at hearing and seeing.
Now, if I only knew what started that conversation. It gave me a pool-side chuckle none-the-less.
How has your character one-upped or been one-upped?