Monday Moment #84: a writing prompt for your work-in-progress
Happy Labor Day, friends!
*hits forehead*
Why-oh-why couldn't I have blown posting a Monday Moment today instead of last Monday. Then I would have a really valid excuse. But, no! I don't have an excuse. None. Zero. Nada.
Monday Moment #84 should've of come your way last Monday, and the only excuse I can chock it up to is being human.
Dang! I have to be human?
Yeah. I am. Human, that is. I truly just forgot. Sure, I had a lot going on, but still...MM #84 was not in the currents of my brain waves. I believe it was Wednesday morning when I realized, and I truly had to think hard about it to know for sure. Yes, I had forgotten.
Those of you who know me, or who have been following these Moments from #1, know I'm committed to posting each and every Monday. But even the most committed have misses. Right?
Has your main character ever forgotten something important or dear to their heart? (If they have, tell them, I feel their pain.)