Monday Moment #102: a writing prompt for your work-in-progress
Several nights ago I was at the gym. I headed out to the dark parking lot, keys in hand. Just like always I pressed the unlock button on my key fob, but there was no click of the car door unlocking. I tried again and again. No luck. It had been acting up lately, so it didn't surprise me. (Do these things take batteries? I'm thinking it needs batteries.)
No problem though. I have one of those nifty number code things on the door. For years I've been typing in that code to unlock the door for one reason or another. Uh...wait...what was that code again? I went completely, totally, ridiculously blank. But I gave it try, hoping feel alone would guide me.
No luck.
Try again.
And again.
Okay. Time to regroup. I headed back into the gym to rifle through my wallet for the card that has the code on it. I was pretty sure I had it in there. Or did I get rid of it? Looking...looking...looking...and NOTHING.
Back out to the car.
Try again. I punched button after button after button until the lit-up number keys started flashing and so did the lights inside the car. I'm pretty sure the car though I was trying to break in at this point and wouldn't let me in even if I did get the code correct.
What to do?
I know. Call my husband. Maybe he remembers the code.
I took out my phone and started to dial. One ring. Two...
Car unlocked.
How novel. A key that unlocks a door.
What has your character become so used to doing that when an element changes they don't know what to do?