Back to It

It's over! November has come and gone. NaNoWriMo has either lit up word counts in green, screaming the word WINNER.

Or not.

I'm the or not.

At least they don't write LOSER across the word count bar. And, I must say, nothing about 27,000 (or almost that many) words feels like losing.

After the long Thanksgiving weekend, it's to get back to normal...

Nothing has been normal for the last week and a half. Kids have had half days of school and then a four-day weekend. Time to get back to a five-day weeks consisting of full school days and a typical schedule. Not that four days of great food, time with family, and a house now filled with Christmas cheer hasn't been wonderful, but...I'm ready to get back to it.

Congrats to all those who made it to the NaNo finish line!


The December La La


Thankful Heart