The December La La

No, not fa-la-la-la-la... But La La as a state of mind.

It's like December hit yesterday and my brain went right there for a little La La. Ever visited? It's actually not an unpleasant place, just not very productive. I'm hoping the visit was only a day trip.

So this morning, when I woke up to a quiet house all lit up with the freshly placed Christmas decorations, I realized I need a December focus.
Anybody else?
Now that NaNo's over, now what? Do you have a finished draft? Do you still need to finish (like me)? How about all you non-NaNo-ers? What do you want to accomplish in December?
It's a tough month, friends! It's easy to visit La La. But if you're like me and would prefer to have some productivity in activities other than cookie making, cooking eating, present wrapping, movie watching (A Christmas Story gets me every year), or any other distraction that keeps you from writing or illustrating this month then let's work together.
Here's my December goal: I will keep my Office Hours at The Vault (M,T,Th, F from 12:00-3:30, W from 11:30-1:30) and those Office Hours will not include email, Facebook, or blogging, but will include working to move forward in with my work-in-progress. Yes? Yes!
What's yours? Post here and I will check back with you during the last week of the month.

Sigh. Double Sigh. Triple Sigh.


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