Sigh. Double Sigh. Triple Sigh.

I have to say, my heart hasn't been into blogging (or a lot of other things for that matter) for the last couple of days. Still isn't. But I didn't want you to think I fell off the face of Planet Blog.

First, I have to tell you how great every one's La La Goals (as I'm now affectionately calling them) are. If you haven't already, please feel free to add yours HERE. I believe there's power and support in numbers, and this is certainly a time of year when we could all use both...and then some.

But, onto my sighs. Sometimes you bump into to tough stuff and it fully takes over all your brain power. Hubby took off this morning to attend the funeral of a very dear friend's father. Our eight-year-old girlie is home covered with Chicken Pox. All this while we are very concerned for our sweet, sweet Hankdog. He's not well. And it's just hard to prepare for what is likely coming.

I've posted some more recent pictures of Hank, but here's some from Hank's younger days. The below was taken almost 11 years ago when Hank was still a puppy.

We adopted Hank as an older puppy. Before he was ours, he belonged to a little girl who decided she'd rather have Backstreet Boy tickets than her dog. That's right. She sold him to us so she could go see a concert. We felt like we rescued him. He was covered with fleas and living with big dogs that I don't think we're very nice to him. But just look at that face!

And I just love this picture. Hank and I surrounded by my very favorite flower.

Hank has been with Derek (hubby) and I before we were married. He's been with each of our girls since the day they came from the hospital. So, it's tough. Real tough...

I do have exciting happenings upcoming this weekend and next week. My mind's just not there at the moment, but I do look forward to sharing with all of you.


A Full Circle Moment


The December La La