Monday Moment #2

Something a little new was started here a week ago. A new weekly feature--Monday Moments. You can check the first post out HERE.

Monday Moments are a chance for you to see some of the randomness that happens in my brain and with my writing. I've never been particularly fond of in-depth character profiles, where you answer question after question. But thinking about character and story as life happens around me is something I do often--no, all the time. Even strange, little quirks, like...

Monday Moment #2

So, I told you I would always let you know how the idea for the Monday Moment prompt came about. With this one, I sort of can and sort of can't. The other day, some thought or memory (that's the thing I can't remember...what was I thinking about?) came to me about something that makes me crazy. I don't mean in a major-worldly-issue way, but in a bizarre way that makes me cringe, or as I say, gives me the oogies (like for many, nails on a chalkboard).

For me, a nails-on-the-chalkboard moment, is eating out of Styrofoam (especially when the utensil has to scrape it). It's the scraping of the Styrofoam that gives me the oogies. I also hate eating off a wooden spoon. So you can imagine how much I love those little cups of ice cream that come with the flat wooden spoon. Together they equal major ooginess! I hate even thinking about it. OOG!

How about your main character... What's their nails-on-the-chalkboard? What gives them the oogies, making them want to shiver out of their skin?

A Letter of Apology


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