Two Talents...Feed Your Genius...Twilight Theft

I went to The Vault today to attend the Jesse Watson and Patrick Jennings event. Art, books, coffee, cool people...what could be better?

I'll tell you what?
If I would have remember my CAMERA! No, no...I did remember my camera, but it had NO batteries in it. Smart, huh? So now you can't see Patrick in action, captivating kids with lies. (No kidding. He even said that he lies to kids and gets paid for it.) Nor will you see Jesse on display with his kickin' art (and hair). And there is even more art there than I had realized! I never walk into the bank seating area, Jesse's art is there, too (and in offices).

Patrick will be speaking at the upcoming SCBWI Western Washington conference--registration is underway. This is a conference NOT to be missed. Just ask Betsy Bird if you don't believe me. Actually, you don't have to ask because she said it right HERE on her blog. Plus, if you go, you can chat with me, because I'll actually have a time to chat since I won't be running the thing. If these few sentences can't convince you to go, well then, you can't argue with the conference poster. Us Creative Creatures must FEED OUR GENIUS!

Come on!

All the coolest creatures will be there!

Now, upsetting news to report: There has been a Twilight robbery in Forks. I know! I couln't believe it either, but it made the nightly news. Someone stole the gas cap off of Bella's "staged" truck in Forks. I can't help but wonder, where/ how do you display that little memento if your the one that stole it? You can read about it HERE.

Monday Moment #2
