Monday Moment #90: a writing prompt for your work-in-progress
What makes a birthday memorable?
A flood of gifts. A mailbox full of cards. A Facebook wall inundated with well-wishes. A day of pampering? Phone calls from friends and relatives?
Or maybe...
Feeling all alone? Having a loved one forget? Someone else ruining the day that is supposed to be special for you?
Certainly birthdays can be memorable for both the good and the bad.
Why do I bring up birthdays today?
It's my birthday! It's my birthday! It's my birthday!
I thought it might be kind of odd to do a birthday post, but then I thought, Why not! Today's the day. And what I love most about birthdays is hearing from family and friends, or even better spending time with them. So I might as well share it here and celebrate with all my blogosphere friends, too.
Some memorable birthdays from my past:
- I don't remember the age, but I do remember a particular cake. It was an Orange Blossom (one of Strawberry Shortcakes friends) doll cake. I thought it was sooo pretty.
- My fifteenth birthday, when I was new to the Seattle area, when I had no friends and bangs that had just been cut up to here! *holds fingers just below my widows peak* Yes, that short!
- For my sixteenth birthday, my parents gave me a hot air balloon ride to take with a friend. How cool is that? (Yes, I had finally made a friend.)
- And for my 30th, I threw myself a party! Because I wanted to.
What is your main character's most memorable birthday (for either good or bad reasons)?
And if you have your own particularly memorable b-day (again good or bad), please share!