Monday Moment #91: a writing prompt for you work-in-progress
I'm a sucker for cake. Actually anything with frosting. Cookie, cupcake, cake...if it's covered in frosting, I can't resist.
Fresh off my birthday has me thinking about cake. About how as we get older we settle into our favorite and tend to have a certain "kind" for our special day. I'm fairly certainly this doesn't just apply to my family and friends. You too, right?
My dad: Cheese Cake
My mom: Chocolate on Chocolate
My brother: Chocolate with Brown Sugar frosting
My daughers: still working it out
I'm sure each of those cakes speaks a bit about who we are (each certainly would in a novel, right?). I'm mean, I'm Angel Food with seven-minute frosting, angelic and sweet at to my core. :)
How about your main character? What's their favorite cake and what does it say about who they are?